quarta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2009

Happy New Year

Oh Yeah people.... here comes the new year, and all I can say is... i really do wish a perfect year.

And all the good things happen with all, because who wish bad things for the people (ups me hahuahu)

I wish the new au pairs find a good family (me too, because ill change family), the au pairs here in usa that u n ur family be very happy n can learn a lot, about respect, love, friendship, how to be a family.. n etc...

Now I wish that my future father-in-law start love me more huahuah, ok just like not love, because love is tooooo much huahauh, i wish that the next au pair in my house (they finallllly decided ) had a good year here in my house, because she looks like a nice girl, n she is soo happy with the match (but doesnt know anything about the family, this is not good)...

n i just wanna stay with my perfect love (my bf) btw,... he is sooo cute, he gave a ring like we do in brasil, boyfriend n girlfriend .... sooooo cute

oh soooo.. HAPPY NEW YEAR

quarta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2009

happy xmas n new years

uhhu people before let me say

happy *or not* 10 months here in USA… ohhh yeah…. 10 months that im here i cant believe… so fast fast n fasttttttt n still have more 14 months hahuahahu


welll… i dont wanna write a lot here, because im f* tired n need to sleep… so

Iwish all a merry xmas n a perfect new years…… that this year that is coming be the best for all, good families for new n extension au pairs (come on im not a new au pair but i need another family kkk), for the girls/boys that have family, i wish that this experience be the best for ur life n dont let anything bad destroy ur dreams ok


have a grreat week everybody


domingo, 20 de dezembro de 2009

mudança de planos AGAIN kkk

ohh yeah people.. i changed my mind again about my vacations huahua. I was thinking in go to Kansas to stay with my friend… but with the snow storm n other problems im not with my bf (baby love u lol), sooooo me n my bf r going to miami… uhhu

like i said some posts before…. i dont have more 1 day from my vacation… but i was talking with my hf n ill work ok monday *jan 18* n in the same day me n my bf, we’ll get a train to miami, yes i wanna train, i love travel by train n i never had the opportunity here in US, 23h but is ok…. ill be with him…

will be in miami jan 19 at 6pm or something like that..

to come back here, will be with plain huahuahu… just some hours flying… on sunday… jan 24…

this mean.. 1 week with him.. will be perfect… n will be hot there, not hotttt like in my brazil but not cold like here


yeah is this… xoxo people

sexta-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2009

snowww ….again =(

Yeap… will start snowing again this weekend… i do love snow BUT…

I hate when the snow changes everything I had planned

oh yeah… snow is cute, fun to play, but not in ur off weekend, not when u wanna go n spend the allllll weekend with ur bf n is difficult to see each other because will snow a lot

6 to 12 inches of snow, 30F to 19F ahhhhhh ill freeze..

this saturday suppose to be my last exam on school, but now i need to call them tomorrow at 7:30 am n see if we r going to have the exam OR not…

ahhh in 5 days ill complete 10 months here, ohhhh yeah i cant believe.. 10 long months here .. but 1 month n half with my baby….

ok i dont wanna write more, because is toooo cold n my fingers r hurting now huauhah toooooo cold..



domingo, 13 de dezembro de 2009

sera q acabou!?

eh gente minha semana doida de castigo axooooo q acabou huauhauh

pqp… a pior semana da minha estadia aq… sem internet dai me restringiram o cel, e eu q to de saco cheio huauhau

massss essa semana teve coisa boa (e nao foi o niver do meu host), foi eu e meu namorado comemendo um mes juntos.. wowww ja faz um mes… parece q foi ontem… foi mohhh rapido.. bom o pai dele ainda me odeia, ainda axa q eu so qro o green card kkkkk eu raxo…. poremm descobri hj q minha mae amaaaa meu namorado…

alias… com 1 mes q estamos juntos ja estamos fzd planos… tipo ele sabe q eu qro fk aq e fzr minha facul e sabe q eu vou pro brasil pra tirar o visto la, e falou … eu vou junto pq assim eu sei q vc vai voltar e fk comigo ahhhhhhh so cute i love my baby!!!

bom eh isso.. sei la.. to sem vontade de escrever hj huahuahu porem tenho q contar

pqp.. cai dos degraus aq de casa e minha bunda e costa tao duendo huahua… ja ta td roxo uhahuahu… so eu mesmo pra conseguir isso

bjsss e parabens pra quem conseguiu visto (vini e pros outros) pra quem chegou (nati, ainda tenho inveja do seu belo huauhahhau e pros outros tb) e pra td mundo huaha

domingo, 6 de dezembro de 2009

to de time out kkk

eh gente so pra avisar q de acordo com meus hosts vou fk 1 semana sem net, um time out pra mim, pq eu nao sou mais como antes, nao limpo mais direito... pensei q era au pair nao faxineira kkkkk

sexta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2009


ok … to fazendo um teste … pq meu notebook tem a opcao de escrever no meu blog sem eu ter q entrar na net…so q eu nao consigo visualizar comentario nem nada… so q so de pensar q eu posso comentar sem ter q abrir aqla porrada de tela da net (pq sabe neh… abre uma tela dai nao sai da net mais e eh tela atras de tela huahuha_


bom eh isso
