segunda-feira, 30 de agosto de 2010


this video it was made this saturday there in Disney.... omg sooo beautiful but sorry for the conversation there kkk... this weekend was a crazy fun weekend...

saturday was disney with friends.... last celebration from glaucia's bday.... sunday was 6flags day,me n domenica went there for the day.... soooo cool...

well nothing really new to say... tonight starts my dance class.. ops is my audition.... this part sucks because i did dance class for so many years that the audition part kind of stress me kkkk but its fine.... at least i can dance

so thats it.... i hope i can come back with more news... ahhhhhh almost forgot, my friends from brasil r coming thisweek n im sooo happy

quinta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2010

random things

just random things that i wanna say here about this week

well, i finally started studying to my test, for the ones that dont know, ill do the toefl test in october so i need to study, even all my friends saying that i dont need n ill get a good score, i think i need to study, because my life depends on this test....

i can finally sleep all night.. ok that some days im not tired at all so i stay awake playing in my computer kkkk or do some exercise.... yeap im back with Zumba kkk

yesterday.. ohhh yesterday... me n my host family went to the pool together n after me n my host mom went to a sushi bar... we loooovvveee sushi, but i normally just eat californa roll ... but last night i was out of my mind huahah... i ate calirfona roll, salmon carpaccio n other things.. but the salmon wasnt good for me.. it was delicious but my stomach didnt like... so in the middle of the night i woke up smelling food (my host dad ate something with curry n the smell it realllllly makes me bad) n thats it... i got a free entrance to the bathroom kkk yeap.. throwing up all night so byebye sleep the all night kkkk

well this week is my off weekend n ill have a full crazy weekend...... friday ill see the movie the last exorcism (im waiting for this movie for months kk) saturday is disney day... is going to be my n my host mom gift to glau.. my friend... it was her bday other day.. n sunday is going to be six flags day... first it was going me n 2 other girls wants to go so maybe we will go in 2 full cars... n monday... is going to be... well if i survive... swimming day kkkkk....

thanks for all the girls n boys that r following me, i never said anything, sorry.. n for all that u all always write for me

xoxo n have a goood day

terça-feira, 24 de agosto de 2010

quem eh vivo sempre aparece

sorrry people.. de boa... fiquei moh temtao longe daq por motivos pessoais kkkk... tava precisando colok a kbc no lugar entaofiquei afastada.... essa semana q passou foi A semana

primeiro puta insonia do caralho... realmente... tenho qusar essas palavras.. teve dia q eu dormi 2h... dai na sexta termino com meu noivo ... sim estava noiva pra quem nao sabia, mais antes q perguntem, eu q terminei e estou otema e de boa kkkk... dai domingo tive meeting so q pra ir pro meeting tive q ir de bus e puta merda.. 3h pra ir e mais 3h pra voltar pra assistir o jogo dos Dodgers q eles perderam e fk com insolacao depois kkkkk

bom... uma vez q nao vou casar mais ano q vem, k estou procurando facul pra fzr aq.. pq logikkk q qro fk aq no q vem... ops vamos fzr uma pausa na questao.. sim, eu volto pro brasil pra trocar de visto la, pq nem fodendo q eu vou fk confinada nesse pais por 4anos (tempo da facul) pq eu troquei de visto aq... nao sou doidddda

e agora eu to realmente procurando por facul de danca.... qro me formar em danca,,,, ai minha mae nem sabe ainda e vai ter um treco qdo eu contar (pq ela q vai me ajudar a pagar a facul kkk), ja tenho meu sponsor.. so preciso ser aceita na facul.. coisa q eu ja to correndo atras... como
toefl, voltar as aulas de danca pq tem q ter carta de recomendacao do teacher (nao tds mais as melhores escolas pede isso), ja estou correndo atras de ir nas facul pra conhecer e pegar tds as infos de estudante internacional... entre outras coisitas a mas

bom agora vou voltar a trampar.. nesse dia q esta fzd nada mais nada menos doq 107F ou 42C... oh calor da porra uhahuhuhau....
e sorry.. nao quis escrever em port nao... eh so pra dar mais trampo pra uma certa pessoa q possa tentar traduzir aq e nao vai conseguir kkkk aii eu raxo

ps: vini vc bloqueou o seu blog?! add eu ai... pleaseeee

sábado, 14 de agosto de 2010

once upon a time...

.... i met a girl who had a dream... n her dream was to dance.... it was obvious about her dream... she could dance all the kind of dances, and she loved it to dance so badly so badly that one day (ohhh that day) she told her mom... "mom im going to be a dancer, n study for be one" her mom (like always) said.... " r u crazy?! out of ur mind?! dance is not a profession, dance is a hobby, is something u do when u dont have anything else to do (she wasnt very good at dancing kkk)... and I wont let u go study for this, im not going to throw away my money for you go dance".... and then... there was a girl with a broken heart, n sad said... "ok ill go to medical school n make u happy"...

yeap thats is a little part from MY story... n y in this world im writing about this?! because like every friday i like to go see a movie, n the one from today was Step Up 3... n that movie (btw whata movie) just made me remind my dream (which i never forgot, i still miss the time that i used to dance n be one of the best dancer in my city), n there they just simple like that throw in our faces, dreams r dreams n nobody cant destroy from u... n also, made me question myself... what a hell im doing here... serious, i love do what i do but this is not what i always wanted, or what i was always good at, n even more... made me ask myself.... is it really thing be a doctor!? or is just my mom alter-ego telling me what to do?!

so here is the thing, im just writing this because i just wanna say... follow ur dreams, it looks silly to say this, but is true... i always (since i was 10years old) dreamed of living in USA, and Im here.... n this was something that nobody could tell me NO... ops my mom said no once when i was 15... but not now...

well follow ur dreams because ill follow mine

quarta-feira, 11 de agosto de 2010

sick week, sick family... everybody is sick here

ohhh yeah... like the name say... everybody here in the house is sick... started last week with my host dad... i could say that he got a cold... than on wednesday (1 week ago) my baby girl got sick too, throw up, fever, nose really bad n others... than on saturday the boy got sick (he even throw up in my clothes) n on monday i got sick... im better (almost perfect kk) my host dad is ok, my baby boy is ok (not good not bad) but my baby girl... pooooor little thing.. still bad.. now her temperature is 102.4 = 39C.. gosh n doesnt want to go down.. ohhh gosh... what to do what to do what to do....

i just hope that everybody gets better

sábado, 7 de agosto de 2010

eu confesso....

(vai em port msm)... eu confesso q amo minha vida aq como au pair... porem eu digo q sinto mta falta da minha vida no brasil... amigos verdadeiros (nao q os daq nao sao verdadeiros, so q nao eh a msm coisa).... q nem eu falei no meu facebook hj... sinto falta de ligar pras minhas amigas (msm q elas moravam em outra cidade) e falar... meu oq q vc ta fzdo!? pq se nao tiver fzdo nada to passando ai pra ti buscar e agente vai fzr algo.... e sabe sair com o meu carrinho lindo e maravilhoso (era o fiesta das baladas... cabia gente ate nao ter espaco pra respirar kkk), sinto falta da minha liberdade (carro eh maravilhoso haauh)....
mais como falei amo esse lugar, nao conseguiria morar no brasil dinovo, so q tem mta coisa q sinto falta... alias ja sao 1ano e 5qse 6 meses longe de casa

bom vou parando por aq...issoeh so um jeito de desestressar

bjsss a tds

terça-feira, 3 de agosto de 2010

June Lake... vacation with host family

hellllllllo people... i know ... is being a long time that i dont write here... sorry but last week me and my host family went to June Lake for our uhhu vacation huahuha..

the resort it was right there behind the trees ...
It was a spa resort, so trust me... when i say that was perfect... it was... n our cabins was next to the spa place... so every time that i was off, or i was sleeping or on swimming pool or jacuzzi...

the car trip should be 6h... but turn into a 9h driving.. because with 2 babies (16 months) is not easy... they got car sick (me too).. but the view is just amazing... even the desert.. was so nice...

my days there was easy... work some hours here n some hours there... eat mcdonalds almost everyday relax on jacuzzi everyday.... but... nothing like to be home... we were all tired... the kids wanted their beds, i wanted my bed too lol

but after being in that place n see the snow (yes i forgot to say... if u look in the pic u will see ice there) i wanna go near there on winter... i wanna do snowboard so badly now kkkk

n thats it... after all that i said that travel with the family is not good... i change my words n say... is not that bad =)