quarta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2010

and lets the second year start

ohhh yeah people.... im almost done with my first year here in usa, and im going to stay here in usa for one more year (as an au pair kkk) BUT im going to California people... yeahhh this is my dream since I was a kid lol...
2 kids, 1 year.... in LA, with everythinggggg near, school metro restaurant mall post office,
the family is perfect huhauha i already love my host mom n dad n kids hahuahu.... i cant explain but i love them huahah

ill stay with my bf YES... im coming here every month to stay with him, what should i do, i love him lol

yeap its this.. huaha im not in a mood to write here
xoxo bye

2 comentários:

Renata disse...

Ae Carol!
Voltou rápido depois de ter cansado de postar *-*
California é sonho de toda Au Pair né!
O meu é 1 ano na costa leste e o outro na oeste \o

Liny disse...

nossa....rumo ao segundo ano jah, lembro qdo vc embarcou pro primeiro....
boa sorte com a nova family, e q bom q poderá ver sempre o namorado!