quarta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2009

Happy New Year

Oh Yeah people.... here comes the new year, and all I can say is... i really do wish a perfect year.

And all the good things happen with all, because who wish bad things for the people (ups me hahuahu)

I wish the new au pairs find a good family (me too, because ill change family), the au pairs here in usa that u n ur family be very happy n can learn a lot, about respect, love, friendship, how to be a family.. n etc...

Now I wish that my future father-in-law start love me more huahuah, ok just like not love, because love is tooooo much huahauh, i wish that the next au pair in my house (they finallllly decided ) had a good year here in my house, because she looks like a nice girl, n she is soo happy with the match (but doesnt know anything about the family, this is not good)...

n i just wanna stay with my perfect love (my bf) btw,... he is sooo cute, he gave a ring like we do in brasil, boyfriend n girlfriend .... sooooo cute

oh soooo.. HAPPY NEW YEAR

3 comentários:

Unknown disse...

2010 will be a great year! Happy New Year!

Unknown disse...

Oh yeah, Love you!!!

Cin - Ex Au Pair disse...

oi carol!!!olha eu amei seu blog ja to lendo ele todinho!!!
jah te add!!sou futura aupair