domingo, 20 de dezembro de 2009

mudança de planos AGAIN kkk

ohh yeah people.. i changed my mind again about my vacations huahua. I was thinking in go to Kansas to stay with my friend… but with the snow storm n other problems im not with my bf (baby love u lol), sooooo me n my bf r going to miami… uhhu

like i said some posts before…. i dont have more 1 day from my vacation… but i was talking with my hf n ill work ok monday *jan 18* n in the same day me n my bf, we’ll get a train to miami, yes i wanna train, i love travel by train n i never had the opportunity here in US, 23h but is ok…. ill be with him…

will be in miami jan 19 at 6pm or something like that..

to come back here, will be with plain huahuahu… just some hours flying… on sunday… jan 24…

this mean.. 1 week with him.. will be perfect… n will be hot there, not hotttt like in my brazil but not cold like here


yeah is this… xoxo people

3 comentários:

Fê Castro disse...

Nossa, não sei pq eu tinha entendido que vc ia pra Miami com a sua host family! Tinha até achado estranho que vc tinha dito que vcs iam de trem pq vc gosta de trem haha tava bom demais pra ser verdade mesmo, tava achando eles mto bonzinhos rsss
Beijo afilhada querida!!! Se Deus quiser, em 3 meses estaremos juntas! haha

Renata disse...

Oi Carol!!
Eu acho Miami melhor que Kansas \o/ dhsaudhsaid
Boas férias então, a viagem vai ser ótima ;)

Anônimo disse...

Miami eh bemm melhor que kansas hahahaa

Eu recomendo trem, eh taoo bom, eu amei viajar de train aqui!!
