quarta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2009

all mixed n together in this post

ok i need to write in english this post because ill show to my bf hauhah

ok first... after 8 months here in USA- MD- Waldorf huauah i found the perfect person for me, the real ONE.. the one that i miss when i cant see him, the one that i love spend my time with, love to watch scary movie with (im still scared n sleeping with tv on after watch paranormal activity lol)...
what can i say... i dont care if we r not together for long time... i already know that i love him

now talk about other things huaauha

tomorrow my mom is coming to usa, n in 6 days ill see my mom... uhhu... almost 9 months without her huauauha... n she will bring a lottttt stuff for me, uhhu, i dont like brasil but i do miss my stuffs there huhahahu my first thanksgiving will be perfect with her, n my step dad, n we r going to nyc AGAIN ahahuh

just one more month to finish my classes, ahh i dont know if i said but i had the midterm n missed just one point lol.. wow im good huaahuahu... with this i can send my papers with the credits for au pair care n finally stay on to find a new family, btw, i want a family here in md, va, or dc... i know i said before that i dont want here more, but, my life changed n i wanna stay here now huahhaau

about my host family, crazy as always, i dont want stay here more, but i just have more 96 days here in this family... ill miss my babies a lot but i cant stay here anymore.. i already said the reasons, i just can say that everyday is being worse... crazyyyyy

thanksgving, mom, xmas, vacation n change family.... ohh yeah baby... all this coming huahuha
i hope that my days stay better everyday (because im really happy now) n this 96 days be not so bad hauhah n if something bad happen i could have the possibility to remember.. fuck everything.. i just wanna be happy

ok n that is it....
Harold, Love You So Much And You Don't Have Idea!!!!!

Tkx people n have a great week!!!!!

4 comentários:

Carolzinha disse...

Ei Carol!!!Que bom que vc ta feliz com seu boy!!Isso ajuda mtoooo ne??Sei disso pq tb arrumei um aqui...so que brazuca! e me ajudou mt tb!
Enfim, voltei com meu blog heheh


Liii disse...

Oooi flor!!

Espero que ache uma familia beeem melhor! E aaai, aposto que esta ansiosa pra ver a sua mae, to com o mesmo feeling, mas so a verei no Natal.
Aproveite tuuudo ae e si divirta horrores!


luandinha =) disse...

oooown how cute :))

Unknown disse...

Thanks sweetheart, I love you sooo much!!! We have almost known each other for a month... wow :D When I am with you I feel like everything makes sense in the world. All my cares and concerns disappear when I am with you. You are the only ONE for me. I can't waitt till tomorrow! LOVE YOU! S2 xoxo