segunda-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2008

Time zone

Oh my God

time zone makes anyone crazy!!!

here in brazil I'm on summer time zone... but I have friends with different time zone:

udo (germany) +4 hours (my best friend)
kennie and milla (USA) -3 hours (au pair)
paulinha (my little pony lol USA) -4 hours (au pair)
gabi (USA) -6 hours (my cousin)

ohhhh my God again....
this is not easy ok... is not easy remember all different time zone... but I like this crazy world (kkkk)

Hey... asap I'll have good news... I know (but I don't know when kkkkk)

Kisses dear friends

Kennia.... califa ein... uhhhuuu .... pompom (I don't know what is the name from pompom in english kkk) for you
Kelly.. I need to talk to you my dear friend

3 comentários:

Unknown disse...

udo (germany) +4 hours (my best friend)
best friend???? hey my friend tell us the true! hahahahah....

Carol future/current/former au pair disse...

eita boiei pro comentario kkkkkk

Kelly Durst disse...

Hi Dear!

I'm hereeeeeeeeee
- 5 hours.

And also, i have something for you in my blog!
